Heading towards 50, I thought my skin needed a little professional overhaul. Owning my wrinkles and excessive skin that had begun to form around my eyelids (aka “hooding”), I was feeling decidedly ‘crepey’ – at least not creepy! Loose skin can be tightened in a few different ways, but, being a bit of a wimp, I didn’t fancy invasive surgery so opted for a blast of Thermage FLX, which is painless, radiofrequency (RF) therapy that can help smooth, tighten and contour skin, resulting in an overall younger-looking appearance. I was sold.
Even though I’ve been applying my daily sun cream in later years, I have years’ worth of sun worshipping where I wasn’t quite so vigilant, so I am owning up to my wrinkles and crinkles- which are most noticeable around my eyes. What’s more (and maybe even more bothersome), my skin was starting to sag and my face was slowly but surely losing those softly angled contours of youth.

Heading to see the incredibly professional Dr Angelica Kavouni at the Skin Rejuvenation Clinic in the heart of Mayfair, I immediately felt comfortable as she talked me through the catalogue of impressive before and after shots of her patients and explained why Thermage FLX would be great for my middle-aged skin. Arriving well-hydrated to help absorb the radio frequency of Thermage FLX, I was keen to get on the couch and see if I could turn back time and tighten my skin.
In a nutshell, everyone’s skin will start to lose its elastin and collagen as we age, and our skin breaks down faster than the body can rebuild it. This causes wrinkles, skin laxity and pockets of loose, sagging skin all over the body, which is where Thermage comes in, as this revolutionary procedure stimulates the production of new connective tissue in the dermis to rebuild and reinforce the skin from within.

Professional skin treatment at its best
Using the most modern equipment, my face was slathered in a conductive gel, as I lay back and let the professional do her work. We were chatting throughout the procedure which used a radiofrequency technology to heat the skin and stimulate the renewal of collagen in the skin’s deeper layers. I knew it was going to get hot, but the balance between hot and burn was carefully monitored and quite therapeutic as the wand was used in a circular motion like a massage.
I could feel slight pressure and a deep, but brief, warming sensation – an indication that collagen is reaching an effective temperature for tightening and remodelling – followed by a cooling sensation that protects the skin. This treatment can be used all over the body, and after a couple of treatments, people have reported astounding results in batwing arms, tummies, thighs and knees.

Although I wasn’t expecting immediate results, I did note an immediate tighter effect. However, the real results are ongoing and over the next few months, the secondary healing response continues as collagen is deposited and remodelled, resulting in new, tighter skin growth which is plumped from within.
I left the clinic after just 45 minutes, and although my face had been slightly red straight away, this did not last and I was able to go out that night, although I was advised to also stay hydrated.
Two months down the line, and I am over the moon with the new me. Nobody can tell I have had anything ‘done’, so the work was truly professional. I am a less crinkled version of my usual self! Click here for more information on the treatment.
Dr Angelica Kavouni at Ion Kavouni London
Aveling House Clinic
1B Upper Wimpole Street